Saturday Opening - December 9th 10am-1pm with Japanese Poetry discussion
FMI members are advised our last Saturday opening for 2023 shall be Saturday 9th December between 10am-1pm
A great chance to return books, and grab holiday reading for over the long Christmas break
Staff and Committee also holding a discussion on Japanese poetry for all who are interested.
This discussion anytime between 10.30am-12.30pm. No fees, no need to book.
Here's some info: Japanese poetry has a long history. Early Japanese writings date from the 8th century AD. Some of the earliest mentions of the Japanese in Chinese sources date from the 5th C AD. (Xiaoqui Wang 2023). Poetry was used as a medium in those times to communicate. It is still in use today. Some of us today are still expressing ideas and emotions with Japanese forms of poetry; an English language senryu form poem i penned to try and capture this passage of time--- NF
Composition millennium passing minion's rite